UNO API doesn't work as expected when ATT enabled

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Wed Oct 23 09:58:10 CEST 2013

On 10/22/2013 11:33 PM, Efe Gürkan YALAMAN wrote:
> 2013/10/22 Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at
> <mailto:sbergman at>>
>     I'm still not sure I get you.  That the catch(uno::Exception&) block
>     at cui/source/options/__optaboutconfig.cxx:234 will eventually catch
>     an exception is obviously not unexpected.  You mean, on Windows you
>     observe that that catch block is never reached?  (If yes, how do you
>     observe that, with a debugger?  If yes, are you sure the debugger
>     does not fool you, as can happen with optimized code?)
>   I couldn't make it work a debugger on Windows. I couldn't properly
> build it actually :( So I can only assume it is. So I assume recursion
> is not end because of up to 1.5 GB of the ram usage and crash after
> that. Because exit condition relies exception.
> Anyways If i can build LO on Windows tonight I will be a happier person...

I cannot reproduce any problem with a current master build, at least on 
Windows 7 with MS Narrator (Control Panel - Ease of Access Center - 
Start Narrator) enabled.  Expert Config comes up relatively quickly even 
and appears fully functional.  Maybe Michael's 
"fdo#70465: speed up AccessibleEventNotifier::generateId()" already 
solved that?


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