Project ...

Jakub Kościelak kuba at
Wed Sep 4 12:09:19 PDT 2013

Application will be, for example , such as described by Alex.

All the requirements have been translated almost literally into English 
from Polish contract's Terms of Reference.

Clearly, the Terms are written in such a way, that only MS Office meets 

This is a large auction where MS Office is just a small piece of whole 
deal, but very expensive .
The whole project has to be finished six months after signing the contract.

I had an idea to see how far AOO and LO are from these requirements.
Would not it be better to invest a large portion of the money, that 
would be spent for purchase of MS Office, into adding functionality to 
the AOO or LO .

We are sick and tired of guys from Polish MS division, who only drink 
coffee and take money for very expensive software.
To make things even more funny, most of the money for this (and other 
similar auctions) comes from EU donations.

We must meet all the requirements of the tender i.e. Using mail merge in 
It's just one of the terms that there has to be such functionality , and 
what it will do, and what not , it's not important right now

This is due to the "requirements for the module for creating the printed 
material" - it means MS Publisher .

"Software for creating printed material must offer the following options:

a) Editing the individual pages of publication.

b ) Dividing the content into columns.

c) Saving the publications in PDF and TIFF formats.

d) Printing the publication.

e) Adding graphics, pictures.

f) Creating and editing printed informational material .

g ) Preparing publications using the built- in templates : brochures, 
newsletters , catalogs .

h ) Using the mail merge mechanism

i) Smooth shifting elements throughout the page.

j) Preparation of materials for printing in CMYK ."


W dniu 2013-09-02 10:07, Alex Thurgood pisze:
> Le 31/08/2013 07:35, David Tardon a écrit :
> Hi David,
>>> - Using mail merge in Draw.
>> Just out of curiosity: what is the intended use of this feature?
> Although I have no idea what the above project is about, I can think 
> of three off-hand :
> - making graphical representations of databases/schemas with 
> connectors between text fields ;
> - filling in imported PDF forms ;
> - filling in certificates, diplomas, other graphics oriented 
> documents, etc from a datasource for which Writer is unsuitable.
> My business use-case would be the PDF form filling from a database, 
> for example. At present, I can import a PDF form into Draw which is 
> supplied to me by an administration, and which contains a particular 
> layout containing editable fields and images. At present, I can either 
> only fill those fields manually from within my PDF reader and then 
> print, or import the form into Draw and copy/paste from my database, 
> which is particularly irksome and painstaking. Being able to merge 
> data directly including images (e.g. my signature) would save me a 
> great deal of time.
> Alex
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