How to build an old version of LibO

Christian Lohmaier lohmaier at
Wed Apr 30 05:15:33 PDT 2014

Hi Laurent, *,

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Laurent BP <jumbo4444 at> wrote:
> I've trouble with git. I'd like to build a version of LibO 4-2 (~ October
> 2013).
> I switched to my local branch of libreoffice-4-2 (git checkout
> libreoffice-4-2) then launched gitk, selected the commit where I want to
> come back, right clicked > Reinit libreoffice-4-2 branch to this state,
> selected "hard" reinitialisation.

Hmm. I wouldn't do that (as I don't know what that would do), instead I'd do a

git checkout -b myoldlibreofficebranch whatevergitcommityoupicked

That should do the trick.

>  Then I made a "make" but the build version
> is a fresh 4.3 master :(
> make distclean and restart the process did not change anything.
> Where did I make a mistake?

No idea what gitk does when using those commands, so best is to look
what your git thinks it is working with (like Björn mentioned).

btw: in your signature: Really using that version? If so: why? :-)


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