About fdo#70185 starmath: unit test writing

Takeshi Abe tabe at fixedpoint.jp
Tue Dec 9 00:30:21 PST 2014

Hi Markus,

On Tue, 9 Dec 2014 07:13:37 +0100, Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard at googlemail.com> wrote:
> so the attched version of the patch gets you past that problem. Now the
> test fails actually in parsing which you should debug and check if there is
> something missing or if there is a setup problem.
> The problem that I fixed is that because you passed the filter version as
> current it was trying to handle the file as a ODF file. I think there are
> still a few wrong filter flags but that would need some more debugging and
> checking which are used during a normal import.
Thanks a lot for pointing out the filter version, which I suspected but
could not figure out which version should work.
Anyway the same problem still persists in my environment as follows.
Just in case, I have run 'make clean' and then 'make starmath.all'.
[build CUT] starmath_import
warn:vcl.app:24879:1:vcl/source/app/IconThemeScanner.cxx:76: Could not find any icon themes in the provided directory ('file:///home/tabe/build/instdir/share/config/'.
warn:legacy.osl:24879:1:starmath/source/mathmlimport.cxx:537: So there *was* a uno problem after all
/home/tabe/core/starmath/qa/extras/mmlimport-test.cxx:63:(anonymous namespace)::Test::testSimple
assertion failed
- Expression: bLoaded
- failed to load file:///home/tabe/core/starmath/qa/extras/data/simple.mml

Test name: (anonymous namespace)::Test::testSimple
assertion failed
- Expression: bLoaded
- failed to load file:///home/tabe/core/starmath/qa/extras/data/simple.mml

Failures !!!
Run: 1   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0
warn:fwk:24879:1:framework/source/services/desktop.cxx:1020: Desktop disposed before terminating it
warn:tools.debug:24879:1:tools/source/debug/debug.cxx:297: no DbgTestSolarMutex function set
warn:fwk:24879:1:framework/source/services/desktop.cxx:185: Desktop not terminated before being destructed
warn:legacy.osl:24879:1:unotools/source/config/configmgr.cxx:167: OSL_ASSERT: items_.empty()

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:

export DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE            # for exception catching
export CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args"    # for interactive debugging on Linux
export CPPUNITTRACE="\"[full path to devenv.exe]\" /debugexe" # for interactive debugging in Visual Studio
export VALGRIND=memcheck            # for memory checking

and retry using: make CppunitTest_starmath_import

-- Takeshi Abe

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