Efficient UNO component linkage & GC ...

Matúš Kukan matus.kukan at collabora.com
Thu Jan 23 10:15:51 PST 2014

On Wed, 2014-01-22 at 10:22 +0100, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> FYI, I envisioned a road where ultimately a (new-style) UNO service's 
> different constructors rather directly map to a C++ implementation 
> class's different constructors.
> * One main reason for introducing those constructor functions in the 
> first place is to allow (in specific scenarios) for direct calls of them 
> from client code, bypassing the service manager.  I think it is 
> beneficial to test that direct-call scenario as much as possible while 
> working on this, that is why I created the manual scaffolding of 
> osl/detail/component-defines.h. 

Right, makes sense, so I've added some we use from sfx2, svtools, svx in
"Experimental direct constructor calls for more services."


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