Fwd: GSOC 2014 - Haskell UNO Language Binding

Tharindu Lakmal tmtlakmal at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 10:41:19 PDT 2014


I'm currently working on some bug fixes. I prepared my plan for the the
project. Please add your comments for the proposal

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Tharindu Lakmal <tmtlakmal at gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for the comment..
> I'm working on bug fixes and trying to upload a patch asap.
> My LibreOffice Plugin was not a fully tested or a better formatted one. It
> was done as an experiment. It's repository was a mess with many gibberish.
> I added the important files into a separate repository.
> old one - https://github.com/tmtlakmal/EasyTuteLO
> new one - https://github.com/tmtlakmal/EasyTuteLibreOffice
> I'm working on a Haskell implementation and will send you a working code
> before the selection process ends up.
> Regards
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at redhat.com>wrote:
>> On 03/19/2014 10:44 AM, Tharindu Lakmal wrote:
>>> I'm Lakmal From University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I like to contribute
>>> for the topic Haskell UNO Language Binding. I'm looking for a mentor for
>>> the project.
>>> I read about your description about the project and browsed through many
>>> details around the topic. I had written a libreoffice plugin a few
>>> months ago using pyuno. It made me easier to find the details about UNO
>>> bindings.
>>> I like to get some advice from you about 1 st and third options.
>>> As I got to know,  FFI  doesn't provide direct support for C++, but
>>> there exist many code generators and methods to do that.
>>> The following links added me another option to call pyuno library
>>> through Haskell. Better if I can get an opinion on that
>>> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Cxx_foreign_function_interface
>>> https://john-millikin.com/articles/ride-the-snake/
>>> By the way I would like to get some opinion about pros and cons of
>>> option 1(FFI) and 3(Remote Protocol).
>>> I'll prepare the proposal asap and get your feedback also.
>> Hi Lakmal,
>> Great to see you interested in this topic.  A few notes:
>> * Doing a UNO Remote Protocol (URP) bridge might be easier than an FFI
>> bridge in that you do that in an external, purely Haskell process (and the
>> documentation of URP might be somewhat better than the documentation of
>> Binary UNO, which you need to interface with in the FFI case).  In the end,
>> a "real" UNO binding would support both, but it would of course be fine to
>> concentrate on one of them, at least initially.
>> * FFI being C rather than C++ should not be a problem, as the Binary UNO
>> code that it needs to interact with is just C (although partially
>> implemented in C++).  (One UNO concept is the "Binary UNO hub" that bridges
>> between different language bindings, which each provide a bridge between
>> that language binding and Binary UNO, so if e.g., some C++ code calls a UNO
>> method implemented in Java, that call goes via the C++-to-Binary-UNO and
>> then via the Binary-UNO-to-JNI bridge.)
>> * You mention Python, but I wouldn't make a bridge between Haskell and
>> PyUNO, but rather between Haskell and Binary UNO.  I see no advantage in
>> the former, just more layers of indirection that complicate matters.
>> * Great to read you already did a LO plugin.  Is the code available
>> somewhere to have a look at it?
>> * To be eligible for LO GSoC, you'd need to do some Easy Hacks first.
>> * Do you also have experience with Haskell itself?
>> Stephan
> --
> *Lakmal Muthugama,*
> *Undergraduate,*
> *Department of Computer Science and Engineering,*
> *University of Moratuwa,*
> *Sri Lanka.*

*Lakmal Muthugama,*
*Department of Computer Science and Engineering,*
*University of Moratuwa,*
*Sri Lanka.*
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