Repair corrupted odt
Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V.
marco.lechner at
Sun Nov 23 03:25:12 PST 2014
if you are on LInux you could try "unoconv"
Am 23.11.2014 um 12:01 schrieb Olivier Chorier:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm looking for a way to repair thousands of corrupted odt files.
> Those files have been corrupted after FTP send operations, for some
> reason.
> The "zip" structure seems corrupted. I tried using 7-zip to unzip and
> zip again the odt file, but it doesn't work every time.
> Libre Office can repair them every time, but I need to open, repair,
> save and close those files one by one.
> I wonder if a script or something like that could be used to repair
> those files. I can't do it manually because there is thousand of them.
> Ideally, I could check them, and repair them automatically using a
> bash or a java script...
> Thank you very much for your help,
> Olivier.
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