
Abdul-Samile Naji adn99008 at
Wed Sep 24 10:08:27 PDT 2014


I am Abudul-Samiel Abjaloul Naji, a citizen of Syria, I am currently
residing in refugee camp in Turkey. I was searching while I find your
contact. I have some reasonable and verifiable funds which I want to invest
in your country with you as my managing partner. Although I have an age
long interest in the Real Estate business, I would however rely on your
advise on any fitable/low risk business venture since you as a citizen of
your country would be more accurate as to the best type of business to
venture into. Should this proposal be of any interest to you, please do not
hesitate to contact me immediately. I will provide the complete details of
this business proposal as soon as I hear from you.

Abdul-Samiel Naji.
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