Load files into Writer only?

Piet van Oostrum piet at vanoostrum.org
Wed Apr 1 04:43:24 PDT 2015

Jens Tröger wrote:

 > Hi,
 > As a follow-up to this thread, Piet (in a different thread: "Re: How
 > many degrees of headlessness do we need? [and LibreOffice crash]")
 > posted this snipped of code to open a Writer document only:
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------                                             
 > textdoc = ServiceManager.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument")
 > loadURL = systemPathToFileUrl(realpath("test.odt")) 
 > inProps = (PropertyValue("URL", -1, loadURL, 0), PropertyValue("FilterName", -1, "writer8", 0)) 
 > textdoc.load(inProps) 
 > print(textdoc.Text.String) 
 > textdoc.close(True) 
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------                                             
 > While I couldn't use this due to a crash of createInstance(), it looks
 > to me as if this code would be an alternative to what we've discussed in
 > this thread.  I assume that loading, say, a Calc or an image would fail
 > here?
 > Cheers,
 > Jens
That is what I would expect. However, I tried it, and when I open an Excell sheet (.xls) or a PNG, it gives an error message, but when I use a .ods file, it just hangs (presumably in the load). And it won't be killed by ctrl-C. This probably should be considered a bug.

When I then kill the LO process, the Python program gives this error message:
SystemError: Couldn't instantiate python representation of structered UNO type com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException
Piet van Oostrum <piet at vanoostrum.org>
WWW: http://pietvanoostrum.com/
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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