About .xhp files

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at t-online.de
Sun Aug 2 11:13:02 PDT 2015

Hi Mihály,

now some additions:

Remove any white-space at the end of lines. Such white-spaces might 
cause warnings later on. Make sure the new File has Unix line ends and 
utf-8 encoding without BOM and the file name extension xhp.

Especially when working with an editor on Windows: Make sure the new 
file has not set the executable Flag. It seems, that this flag is 
sometimes set, when the file is copied in Windows.

The file must have a subchild 'filename' in the 'meta' element. The 
filename is relative to the root "source". For example for the path 
"helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01/02080000.xhp" the element is 

When you have set the environment variable HELP_DEBUG you get help-ID 
and context of an UI element in an extended tip [yellow box], even if no 
extended tip text actually exists.

The build-in help uses heavily embedding. If you need help with such, 
please write back. For example, there exists a modified 
main_transform.xsl and default.css for OpenOffice to make such embedding 
visible in an installed help. I can sent you the files, if you wish 
them. They work middling in LibreOffice too.

Kind regards

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