Deletion of vcl::Window's inside ToolBar

Maxim Monastirsky momonasmon at
Mon Aug 31 14:26:16 PDT 2015


On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:00 PM, Dennis Francis 
< at> wrote:
> About passing SvxFontNameBox_Impl : I have not yet understood why we 
> pass that, will check as soon as possible.
I will clarify what I meant. It seems to me that we pass the 
SvxFontNameBox_Impl only to get through it the font list from the 
underlying platform backend. In this case, we can do the same with 
other windows. For example, passing the ToolBox there (via 
pBox->GetParent()) seems to eliminate the memleak, while the font box 
seems (at least at first glance) to still work as expected. But you 
should take this with caution, given that I'm not really familiar with 
the font init stuff.


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