Two svg import filters

Armin Le Grand armin_le_grand at
Wed Dec 23 01:04:50 PST 2015

Hi Wol,

Am 21.12.2015 um 22:53 schrieb Anthonys Lists:
> On 18/12/2015 09:29, Armin Le Grand wrote:
>> Despite the quality being quite different, even when this would be 
>> fixed, there will alwyas be slight differences. How do you explain a 
>> user that the quality of the SVG he wants to use depends on the way 
>> he uses it? Does anyone expect users to know the difference between 
>> opening and inserting an SVG? How much do users like answers as 'yes, 
>> but you added it in the 'wrong' way...'? There should be no wrong 
>> way. You should not need expertise know-how to be able to use SVG in 
>> the best possible quality. 
> I would have thought the difference between "open" and "insert" was 
> pretty clear (yes, I know there are plenty of clueless lusers out 
> there). But it applies to pretty much ALL objects - if you "insert" 
> then LO keeps the object unaltered, if you "open" then LO converts the 
> object to a form that it can edit.

That is a good argument to stay on that difference. But - when opening 
and we have the possibility by doing this using the same filter as when 
inserting - wouldn't it be better to use that and additionally 'break' 
the SVG?
This would lead to the same 'open' behaviour, guarantee SVG looking the 
same despite of insert/open, deliver better quality and reduce number of 
filters to maintain to one.

Just my 2ct...

> This is the way I understood MS originally intended inserting to work 
> - okay they didn't bother implementing it properly... but that is the 
> way LO should work across the board. Think of putting spreadsheet data 
> into a Word document - do you embed/insert an Excel spreadsheet, or 
> cut-n-paste into a Word table?
> I don't know to what extent it's been fixed, but I think a lot of user 
> confusion is down to various Office apps being inconsistent in how 
> they behave - LO is (or was) a big offender imho, but then MS Office 
> was likely worse ...
> Cheers,
> Wol
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