LibreOffice support for MS-Visio Stencils/Templates and Shapes ?

Maarten Hoes hoes.maarten at
Wed Feb 18 02:43:54 PST 2015


In case it turns out to be a feature request: There's an article on describing the (little) differences between a Visio Drawing
(.vsd), Visio Stencil (.vss) and Visio Template (.vst).

- Maarten

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Maarten Hoes <hoes.maarten at>

> Hi,
> I was wondering if LibreOffice (master) is currently supposed to have
> support for Microsoft Visio Stencils (.vss) and Templates (.vst)  ?
> When I open one of these stencils in MS-Visio, I get a blank file onto
> which I can drag and drop all of the shapes that are included in the
> stencil. The shapes that are included in the file are displayed in a
> separate window. [In essence, a stencil (.vss file) is a collection of
> shapes associated with a particular Microsoft Office Visio template (.vst
> file).]
> When I open up one of these in LibreOffice i do get the blank new file,
> but not the window that has the shapes that are included.
> Is there supposed to be support for MS-Visio and Stencils/Templates and
> Shapes in LibreOffice, or should I file an enhancement request for this  ?
> Thanks,
> - Maarten
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