Severe performance degradation on Linux

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Tue Jan 6 04:28:30 PST 2015

On Tue, 2015-01-06 at 12:31 +0100, Maarten Hoes wrote:
> Im not sure. When I change the accept to include 'tcpNoDelay=1' as
> below:

	In the past - the Linux desktop as a whole suffered something rather
similar when code tried to do a reverse lookup on the hostname which
took significant time - 20s to timeout each time.

	IIRC we used to do this inside the "is our profile already in-use by
another libreoffice process" code - which killed us perf-wise long ago.
IIRC we binned that idea and updated the mechanism for that.

	As Tor suggested doing an strace on each end would show what's up:

	strace -f -ttt -s 256 -o /tmp/slog slow_proces

	And poke in the /tmp/slog for where there is a multi-second jump in the
time - and paste a dozen lines or so around that in each direction =)



 michael.meeks at  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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