[GSoC] Improve user experience with CMIS – Weekly report #4

Szymon Kłos eszkadev at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 10:07:07 PDT 2015

This week I didn't work because I was studying for exams.

Only today I pushed small commits:
* Checking if login process was successful while creating GDrive
connections. I noticed that after typing wrong password, login dialog
don't appears again. This should be changed. Also user should have
feedback when login attempt failed.
* I fixed the order of services in listbox (descriptions didn't match
with the URLs, this was a mistake from my previous commits).
* Now a user name is filled in the login dialog, user don't need to
retype it second time.

On Monday evening I will have exam too, so probably I start my work on

To do next:
* user should be able to change password after failed authorization.

>From the previous report:
* improve a tree (this should follow the user when changing the folder
in other widgets)
* in services listbox I will add connection type before its name
* the main functionality of my dialog – opening the files :)


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