multithreaded JunitTest

Lionel Elie Mamane lionel at
Sat May 30 07:47:56 PDT 2015


I'm reenabling some disabled JUnitTests in dbaccess/
And finding (and fixing) several bugs on the way.

In particular, in dbaccess/qa/complex/dbaccess/

    void testConcurrentAccess(XResultSet _resultSet)
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; ++i)
                threads[i] = new Thread(new ResultSetMovementStress(createClone(), i));
                System.out.println("starting thread " + (i + 1) + " of " + (numberOfThreads));

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; ++i)

My problem is that the launched threads fail in this way:

        public void run()
            catch (Exception e)
                fail("ResultSetMovementStress(" + m_id + ") failed " + e);

But the test as a whole still succeeds! The subthread failure is just

I fixed the underlying bug, but I would like to fix the test so that
it fails when one of the threads fails. I tried to not catch the
Exception, but that does not help. (I noticed the thread failure by
looking at workdir/JunitTest/dbaccess_complex/done.log )

How do I fix this?

Thanks in advance for any help,


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