LibreOffice Bug

İrem Şendur iremsendur1 at
Thu Nov 5 13:39:38 PST 2015

Thank you for telling the directory's names.
I thought adding dialog because in this bug's page in Bugzilla, Daniel
Naber who reported this bug and Urmas said there should be dialog asking
for restart on comments.
So now should I focus on just the menu updating and not restart? And is
menu updating issue's solution related with desktop/source/deployment
directory too?

2015-11-05 17:02 GMT+03:00 Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at>:

> On 11/05/2015 02:29 PM, İrem Şendur wrote:
>> I 'm working on this bug
>> I looked files under the extensions directory but I couldn't find where
>> checking installation of extensions. I should add a dialog about
>> installation extensions and user should restart LibreOffice.
>> I asked this question on IRC and <@jmadero> suggested me that I might
>> mail the LibreOffice mail list.
>> Can anyone help me with finding the file or about what should I do ?
> The code of the "Tools - Extension Manager..." dialog is in
> desktop/source/deployment/gui/dp_gui_theextmgr.cxx (all the
> extension-related functionality is in desktop/source/deployment/),
> TheExtensionManager::installPackage is the starting point for installing an
> extension from within that dialog.
> However, what we probably want is something more elaborate than simply
> urging the user to restart LO upon every extension installation (as well as
> extension update, deinstallation, enabling, disabling?).
> The referenced bug quotes some issues (missing menu update for already
> open documents) that can probably be addressed without needing a restart.
> There might be other issues that cannot be resolved without a restart, but
> then we should only urge the user to restart LO if the given extension
> really triggers that issue.
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