Budgeting - image lifecycle

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at collabora.com
Wed Dec 7 12:20:48 UTC 2016

And a quick example:

	The image lifecycle issues in LibreOffice are a perennial source of
bugs, lost images in documents, and the most stupid sort of performance
problems as we very expensively page-in images eg. just to find their
pixel size, only to discard them again. Image loading is over-optimized
for older hardware relying on odd behaviors such as tracking images
inside files (which move or auto-save in odd ways) rather than having a
central cache of compressed image data with a very simple hard reference
count on them.

	Several attempts to fix this in the community have failed: it is a
reasonably invasive problem across the code-base, and it will take
several man weeks to make an impact on it. The tracker bug#47148 does no
justice to the underlying problems here I think.

	Hopefully not horribly controversial.

	All the best,


michael.meeks at collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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