Error building LO on local system

Tor Lillqvist tml at
Tue Dec 27 07:44:29 UTC 2016

> I use a commant like this:
> git checkout master && ./g pull -r && for branch in $(git branch | cut -c
> 3-) ; do if [ $branch != "master" ] ; then git rebase master $branch ; fi ;
> done && git checkout <A-CHOSEN-BRANCH-NAME-HERE> && make
> to keep all branches up-to-date (I must say that I keep branches/tags like
> libreoffice-5-3 etc. on a different repo). Doing so allows me avoid huge
> recompilations each time I checkout a different branch, because  they are
> based on same baseline, and differ only by their specific commits (so
> building one makes all other ready for quick incremental build).

And that is something you expect a newbie to understand?

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