minutes of ESC call ...
Norbert Thiebaud
nthiebaud at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 23:08:30 UTC 2016
On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 3:04 PM, David Ostrovsky <d.ostrovsky at gmx.de> wrote:
>> when I get a stream message about an approval +2 I do not know if
>> that
>> change was +1 verified by gerrit
> Nobody ever told you to use stream events, but GQL.
Yes somebody told me: vmiklos pointed me to a python example using
stream.. on face value that was not a bad idea since gerrit's doc is
saying for 'Change added:
All approval attributes granted.
but it turned out that was 'All approval attributes granted .... in
_that_ specific comment', so really not all of them at all.
furthermore the json representation of a patcheset does not seems to
contain the 'is mergeable attribute'
That turned out not fitting the need. but streaming would have been a
great solution to be both reactive and cheap.
> Don't mix accounts and groups entities with change meta data.
I need both. The rule to be implemented is
"if a commit on master is verified _by jenkins_ AND is reviewed +2 by
_the author of the patch_ then auto-submit."
that require both accounts information _and_ change/patchsets information.
> Have you read my original mail? Here is the fixed SQL version as GQL:
Have you read the minutes you answered to ?
"if +2 __by author__ and +1 by jenkins -> auto-push"
> project:core
> branch:master
> is:open
> is:mergeable
> label:Code-Review+2
> label:Verified+1,ci at libreoffice.org
> NOT label:Code-Review-2
> NOT label:Verified-1
that does not implement the rule desired. see above
we want Code-Review+2 _from the author_.
that query return 4 records instead of 2 (at the time of testing)
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