minutes of ESC call ...

David Ostrovsky d.ostrovsky at gmx.de
Tue Jul 5 07:09:20 UTC 2016

On Mon, 2016-07-04 at 18:08 -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 3:04 PM, David Ostrovsky <d.ostrovsky at gmx.de>
> wrote:
> Have you read the minutes you answered to ?
> "if +2 __by author__ and +1 by jenkins -> auto-push"
> > 
> > project:core
> > branch:master
> > is:open
> > is:mergeable
> > label:Code-Review+2
> > label:Verified+1,ci at libreoffice.org
> > NOT label:Code-Review-2
> > NOT label:Verified-1
> that does not implement the rule desired. see above
> we want Code-Review+2 _from the author_.
> that query return 4 records instead of 2 (at the time of testing)

OK, I missed that requirement. It cannot be done natively in GQL
because the data is retrieved from the secondary index, an it is stored
as list of only approvals in addition to approval,account form:

[code-review+2, verified+1, verified+1,1000000, code-review+2,1000000,
custom-label+1, custom-label+1,1000000]

There is global:Change-Owner pseudo system group in Gerrit, but it
cannot be rewritten as a valid predicate, because different changes
have different change owners.

So the way to go is still to use the query I suggested with --current
-patch-set option (use text or JSON response, what is easier for you to
parse) and filter out changes, that weren't approved by the change
owner. You have all infos necessary to preform the check.

e.g: this change that is returned by GQL query wouldn't pass this
check, because author != CRVW+2 voter:

    ref: refs/changes/08/26308/1
      name: Mark Page
      email: aptitude at btconnect.com
      username: rombust
    createdOn: 2016-06-15 13:10:35 UTC
      name: Mark Page
      email: aptitude at btconnect.com
      username: rombust
    isDraft: false
    kind: REWORK
      type: Verified
      description: Verified
      value: 1
      grantedOn: 2016-06-15 14:21:31 UTC
        name: Jenkins
        email: ci at libreoffice.org
        username: ci
      type: Code-Review
      description: Code-Review
      value: 2
      grantedOn: 2016-06-16 07:25:52 UTC
        name: Eike Rathke
        email: erack at redhat.com
        username: erAck
    sizeInsertions: 1515
    sizeDeletions: -1515

Sounds like a couple of lines of python script to me.

Alternatively, you could still use your SQL query for now (change-owner
-approval), combined with my GQL query (is:mergeable predicate):
intersecting the result sets from both queries should give you the
desired answer. 

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