GSoC Progress

Mohammed Abdul Azeem azeemmysore at
Wed Jun 22 18:25:00 UTC 2016


*Progress for week4:*
We wrote mapping between legacy parser and XFastParser and parsed our test
files using it ( ).

We are trying to shift to our new LegacyFastParser in all places where we
used XParser before. I had some problems with calling factory method to get
LegacyFastParser, which Micheal helped me with later. We have included an
environmental variable which is when set/unset will give
XParser/LegacyFastParser implementation.

When we adopt LegacyFastParser, in quite some places code seams to be
broken as they explicitly try to qualify an element (convert form
namespaceName:elementName to namespaceURL:elementName). I'm looking into
it, I will try to identify all places which are causing problems and then
we will see what can be done about those.

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