Test Builds with vs2013/2015 32/64 bits rel/debug/dbgutil

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 04:07:17 UTC 2016

test build result on windows
with vs2013/2015 on 32 and 64 bits
in release, debug and dbgutil
for make clean + make and then make check
(all with --disable-firebird-sdbc)

note: I had to revert
which was breaking debug and dbgutil build from clean

msv  | 2013  | 2015  |
bits |32 |64 |32 |64 |
rel  | + | + | + | + |
check| + |(2)|(2)| + |
debug| + | + | + | + |
check| + |(1)|(1)|(1)|
dbgut| + | + | + | + |

(1): cppunit hangs in sc_subsequent_export_test
(2): JUnitTest_toolkit_unoapi_1 intermittent failure
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