build libreoffice

David Tardon dtardon at
Wed Mar 23 05:56:59 UTC 2016


On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 01:08:34PM -0700, Jordi wrote:
> Hello, I'm interested about GSoC, and I have and idea I want to proposal.
> Libreoffice requires build libreoffice, fix a bug and submit the patch to
> the developmentt list. You recommend build the libreoffice in Linux(and the
> most complete tutorial is in Linux). 

You are very late, are you aware of that? The deadline for proposal
submissions is this Friday.

> But can we build the Libreoffice in windows without problems to be picked
> for LibreOffice??

Yes, you can.

> It's obligatory build the LibreOffice in Linux to be
> picked??

No, it is not.

> Can I build LibreOffice in windows(with Cygwin and Lode you explain
> in the wiki), without any problem??? 

Very likely.


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