Building latest releases and errors

Robert Marcano robert at
Fri Sep 23 20:41:08 UTC 2016

I am learning about how Online works internally and and the same time 
trying to build a Fedora package for it.

My first try building and running it in my Linux user session gave no 
problems, See . For 
it I used collabora related tags and needed to use LibreOffice 5.2 
instead of Fedora provided 5.1 because a new export of LOKit that is not 
in 5.1 (It would be nice to list that requirement).

As this is for a Fedora package it is common to work on the cutting edge 
so I switched to 1.9.2 but this time my test build gave a non fatal 
JavaScript error, the JSON protocol documentation for lokitversion 
message says that there is data but the server was sending only 
"lokitversion". I did a hack just to skip that error on ClientSession.cpp

> // Send LOKit version information
> std::string lokVersionStr =
>     "{ \"ProductName\":  \"XXX\", \"ProductVersion\":     \"" + version +
>     "\", \"ProductExtension\": \"xxx\", \"BuildId\": \"" + hash + "\" }";
> sendTextFrame("lokitversion " + lokVersionStr);

But hacking this fix doesn't solve fatal errors loading a file using 

> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.574890 [ prison_ws_0001 ] ERR  SocketProcessor: exception: Connection reset by peer
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.574963 [ prison_ws_0001 ] INF  SocketProcessor finished.
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.574979 [ prison_ws_0001 ] TRC  Abnormal close handshake.
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.575054 [ prison_ws_0001 ] INF  ~PrisonerSession dtor [ToPrisoner-0001].
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.575088 [ prison_ws_0001 ] ERR  PrisonerRequestHandler::handleRequest: Exception: I/O error: Broken pipe
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.575109 [ prison_ws_0001 ] INF  Removing doc /home/robert/test.odt from Admin
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.575126 [ prison_ws_0001 ] INF  Message to admin console: rmdoc 22752 0001
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.575146 [ prison_ws_0001 ] INF  Document /home/robert/test.odt dtor.
> wsd-22698-22699 0:00:24.575212 [ prison_ws_0001 ] DBG  Thread finished.
> wsd-22698-22756 0:00:24.574916 [ prison_ws ] ERR  SocketProcessor: exception: Connection reset by peer

Are tagged releases like 1.9.2 stable enough? Same problems with master 
(That return that the version is 1.9.0, older than the tag 1.9.2). What 
tag/branch is recommended?

Thanks in advance

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