minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at collabora.com
Fri Jan 13 14:03:12 UTC 2017

Sorry for the delay.

* Present
    + Stephan, Andras, Caolan, Heiko, JanI, Kendy, Olivier, Xisco, Michael M,
      Sophie, Christian, Lionel, Norbert, Thorsten, Bubli, Michael S, Eike,
      Jan-Marek, Bjoern

* Completed Action Items:
    + write to Aron & Heiko to welcome to committing (Kendy)
    + poke Florian to encourage posting of Macs (Cloph/Michael)
    + have a look at certification names again (Kendy)

* Pending Action Items:
	+ produce a trend / graph of last year’s work (JanI)
		+ September – September numbers here https://conference.libreoffice.org/assets/Conference/Brno/iversen-development-mentoring.pdf
    + investigate https://beta.opendocumentformat.org/testsets/all/en (Xisco)
		[ https://gitlab.com/odfplugfest/odfserver
		  More progress still waiting for Jos’ help ]

* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.2.5 RC1 schedule acceleration ?
        + fixes for both regressions in 5.2
        + builds done, tagging finished, up-loading underway.
        + should we do an RC1 release as final ?
              + Markus’ patches in the release & sensible (Xisco)
              + concern wrt. rushing things (Thorsten)
              + does waiting one week make sense ? (Xisco)
           => test over the weekend – recide RC2 or release on Tuesday (Xisco)
+ 5.3.0 RC2 update
        + bug in RC1 not being signed; patch from Tor to fix it.
        + would be a blocker for RC2 if we can’t confirm it is fixed.
        + REMINDER: please update with your features ASAP:
    + Updated Marketing in TDF call (Sophie)
    + Android & iOS Remote (Cloph)
        + new build in the beta channel needing promotion to production.
    + online (Michael)
AI:     + remove textwrap patch for 5.3 ? (Thorsten)

* MSDN license situation (Michael)
    + no responses from Microsoft
    + MSDN costs O($1000)/year → for one person.
    + Visual Studio is now free.
    + get Development budget line-item for buying MS / Windows licenses ?
         + not enthusiastic (Norbert)
         + Happy for OS licenses - $100 for VMs (Michael)
    + all CI builds are at 2012 and working (Norbert)
    + expected that legacy MSDN licenses are perpetual anyway (Michael)
         => no urgent action required.
    + want to pin-down the use-cases, instead of “because we used this stuff before” (Bjoern)
    => ask for $1k for Windows licenses.

* Documentation (Olivier)
	+ 3 days healing food intoxication, low productivity.
	+ Many help page errors fixed after translator noticed.
	   + XHP + gerrit very hard/impossible to catch typos, dups, etc..
	+ More help pages fixed by Gabor Kelemen (reconnecting UI with HC)
	+ Some pages completely rewritten (bad english) (Olivier)
	+ Investigating more developments for HC – next-gen.

* Mac development H/W (Thorsten)
    + Sophie working on getting Macs.
    + best if TDF buys them – to have invoice with TDF name on it.
    + high-res 4k screen for Caolan
        + just buy it & get a TDF on the invoice line.
    => put this in the budget: QA team high-res display too (Xisco)
		* my screen is 4K (MAC) and I can test on demand. (janI)

* UX Update (Heiko)
 + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
       252(252) (topicUI) bugs open, 487(487) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
   + Updates:
       BZ changes   1 week    1 month    3 months   12 months  
            added      4(2)      13(3)      40(-1)     506(0)  
        commented     46(-29)   242(-43)   846(-69)   3707(8)  
          removed      0(-1)      1(0)       9(-4)      34(0)  
         resolved      5(-8)     30(-2)     99(-5)     160(4)  
   + top 10 contributors:
         Tietze, Heiko made 128 changes in 1 month, and 1930 changes in 1 year
         Foote, V Stuart made 52 changes in 1 month, and 664 changes in 1 year
         Buovjaga made 31 changes in 1 month, and 356 changes in 1 year
         Cor Nouws made 31 changes in 1 month, and 445 changes in 1 year
         Iversen, Jan made 24 changes in 1 month, and 472 changes in 1 year
         Zolnai, Tamás made 16 changes in 1 month, and 19 changes in 1 year
         tommy27 made 13 changes in 1 month, and 82 changes in 1 year
         Schäfe,r Christoph made 10 changes in 1 month, and 24 changes in 1 year
         Philips, Yousuf made 10 changes in 1 month, and 1648 changes in 1 year
         Kelemen, Gabor made 9 changes in 1 month, and 13 changes in 1 year

    + talking about Breeze as default icon set on Windows
       + G+ poll reveals ~65% acceptance, but rejected as it’s not a perfect fit
       + area style dialop patch with fix size reverted because of whitespace and
         hi-res trouble
     	 + now the controls are badly aligned again

       + new issue created as MAB tdf#105259
           + Beluga: can’t be fixed before 5.3
       + asking for help with glade (Heiko)
       + even the simple reverting is risky (Xisco)
       + we need to fix the dialog (Heiko)
       + fixing and testing in one week not possible (Xisco)
           => revert the patch in 5.3 & fix in 5.4.
AI:        do the revert and do it in 5.4 (Xisco)

* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 2 import failure, 0 export failures
    + 5 coverity issues.
    + Google / ossfuzz
         + ongoing; gone with Markus’ suggestion – fixes linger in gerrit.
         + various bits in 5.2 and 5.3 we’ll wait for
         + recently opened issues were fixed 5 days before last meeting.
         + bug reports include only the stack; not the bug docs which helps

* TDF / Budgeting / Brainstorming (Thorsten)
    + Ranking ~deadline for:
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Budget2017
    + ‘online’ - ranking spreadsheet exists now.
    + please rank things – add yourself if you don’t have a column
    + please look at the time estimate – we don’t have a ton of budget.
    + Real deadline is next Monday – board / budget meeting.
    + Can copy the average and bump up and down ones you care about (Bjoern)
    + try not to rename items to avoid breaking SS links.

    + dev-room:
        + https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/track/open_document_editors/
    + hack-fest wiki page is:
        + Add:  Bubli & Armin, Michael, Kendy, Andras, Heiko?, Xisco, Jmux, Olivier.
    + times:
        +     3rd Feb 2017 - board (+MC) meetings.
        + 4th/5th Feb 2017 - core FOSDEM dates
	  + 6th/7th Feb 2017 - Hackfest at Beta Coworking.
	  + 6th starting 9:30 – infra f2f
    + http://www.bedfordhotelcongresscentre.com/

* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next venues / suggestions
    + Italian hack-fest coming up: 4 days May 27-30th
         + Perugia University
         + successful students get course credits
         + expect 15+ experienced students.
	   + Osvaldo helping out.
	   + janI prepares a presentation + handon exercise pr day
         + planning to go if he can (Bjoern)

* mentoring/easyhack update (janI)
   + openhub statistics (2016-11-29), 284(284) people did 15495(15495) commits in 12 month in 8301307(8301307) lines of code
   + gerrit/git statistics:
         committer...   1 week     1 month      3 months     12 months    
                 open      49(14)      71(3)        80(-6)        82(-6)  
              reviews     554(170)   1629(36)     3925(158)    17631(-130)
               merged     195(-17)    838(-15)    2585(47)      8984(-25) 
            abandoned      16(12)      36(7)       130(14)       634(15)  
          own commits      61(-31)    318(-303)   3314(-402)   17479(-314)
       review commits       1(1)       38(-79)     544(-102)    3516(-90) 
       contributor...   1 week    1 month     3 months    12 months    
                 open      32(0)      57(2)       58(-5)       59(-4)  
              reviews     523(89)   1699(-60)   4966(21)    17985(-243)
               merged      30(-5)    113(-4)     301(-8)     1245(-47) 
            abandoned      12(10)     39(6)       66(-2)      384(-18) 
          own commits       1(1)       2(-27)    201(-43)    1199(-67)   
   + easyHack statistics:
      needsDevEval 22(22)   needsUXEval 4(4)   cleanup_comments 187(187)   
      total 227(227)   assigned 21(21)   open 180(180)   
   + top 5 contributors:
         Very few commits during my vacation
   + top 5 reviewers:
         Iversen, Jan made 208 review comments in 1 month, and 1665 in 1 year
         Mohrhard, Markus made 178 review comments in 1 month, and 1788 in 1 year
         Timar, Andras made 112 review comments in 1 month, and 432 in 1 year
         Rathke, Eike made 110 review comments in 1 month, and 1345 in 1 year
         Stahl, Michael made 79 review comments in 1 month, and 1108 in 1 year
   + big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, since last report:
         Gairola, Siddhartha siddhartha.gairola18 at gmail.com 

	+ gitdm-config in review, daily control active
      + create redmine for VM to new contributors
           + https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/2136
	+ IDE-vs2013 project plan for the italian students (step by step tasks)
		+ Request from Osvaldo who got OK from my manager  
      + Mentoring Italian students on: Project definition:

“Update the IDE generator (gbuild-to-ide and associated files) for LibreOffice, to provide 1 VS2013 solution:
- view/Edit all source  les (c++, c#, lex, yacc, py, NO java)
- be able to build/debug without using command line 
- running make or IDE in a module produces the same workdir content
- black listed modules are build using a call to “make <module>” (external build system)
- only one configuration (autogen.input) is tested 
- allow use of git in the IDE to submit to gerrit ”
* make 3.81 (Michael S)
    + Debian has a newer make now. 
    + can we drop support and require 3.82?
    + 3.81 and 3.82 have different interpretation of pattern rules.
       + hard to ensure that they do the same thing in both versions.
    + would love to drop support for 3.81
       + does anyone need to build 5.4 with an ancient make version.
    + Mac comes with 3.81 (Cloph)
       + but fine with dropping support for it.
       + if people build with lode – they get a current make anyway (Michael S)
          + recommended (JanI)
    + Rene ? (Norbert)
       + he doesn’t believe anyone would want to build 5.4 on Wheezy: (Michael S)
    + people can build gnumake 4.0 on older platforms (Bjoern)
    => drop it for master.

* crash reporter news (Markus)
    + http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/

* Commit Access
	+ Wastack / btomi96 at gmail.com / Tamas Bunth (Lionel)
          + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/q/owner:wastack (janI)
          + commits are looking great (Lionel)
AI:       + send welcome & scope mail (Lionel)
	+ Raal / Crhonek, Zdeněk (janI)
	    + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/q/owner:%22Zdenek+Crhonek+%253Czcrhonek%2540gmail.com%253E%22 (Markus + janI)
          + lots of nice calc / test commits
AI:       + send welcome mail & scope – for tests (JanI)

* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
      + come up with three names
      => no objections – next step approach them.

* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Jan  5 15:46:09 2017
    master linux rel  jobs: 190 ok: 180 ko:  10 fail ratio:  5.26 % break:   1 broken duration: 7.23%
    master linux dbg  jobs: 131 ok: 116 ko:  15 fail ratio: 11.45 % break:   6 broken duration:10.00%
    master mac rel    jobs: 166 ok: 154 ko:  12 fail ratio:  7.23 % break:   3 broken duration: 8.80%
    master mac dbg    jobs: 166 ok: 154 ko:  11 fail ratio:  6.63 % break:   3 broken duration: 8.12%
    master win rel    jobs: 130 ok: 120 ko:  10 fail ratio:  7.69 % break:   4 broken duration:10.65%
    master win dbg    jobs: 130 ok: 115 ko:  15 fail ratio: 11.54 % break:   7 broken duration: 8.43%
    master win64 dbg  jobs: 138 ok: 123 ko:  12 fail ratio:  8.70 % break:   4 broken duration: 6.40%
    lo-5.2 mac        jobs:  17 ok:  17 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    lo-5.1 mac        jobs:   0 ok:   0 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    branch gerrit all jobs:  17 ok:  14 ko:   3 fail ratio:17.65%
    master gerrit lin jobs: 350 ok: 262 ko:  87 fail ratio:24.86%
    master gerrit plg jobs: 349 ok: 245 ko: 102 fail ratio:29.23%
    master gerrit win jobs: 348 ok: 197 ko: 149 fail ratio:42.82%
    master gerrit mac jobs: 351 ok: 224 ko: 125 fail ratio:35.61%
    master gerrit all jobs: 373 ok: 134 ko: 233 fail ratio:62.47%

    + why is gerrit failing on 5.3 checkouts ? (Eike)
       + claiming there is a non-fast-fwd modification (Norbert) 
           + trying to check / clean everything as we go.
           + patching manually shows no problem; unclear.
           + been fetching / git gc / cleaning everywhere to help.
       + if machines are still failing ask Norbert for help.
    + numbers not great: may be CI issues itself (Norbert)

* l10n (Sophie)
    + going on – as Olivier said, lots of changes in help → fuzzy strings.
    + would love to have more proof-reading before committing of Help.

* QA update (Xisco)

    + Unconfirmed was at 510 this morning, but down again.

    + UNCONFIRMED: 476 (+10)
        + enhancements: 38  (0)
        + needsUXEval: 4 (+2)
        + haveBackTrace: 14 (-4)
        + needsDevAdvice: 43 (-2)
	  + Documentation: 7 (+7)
AI: + Can Olivier look at Documentation unconfirmed bugs ? (Olivier)

AI: + setup bibisect repository for 4.3 with Norbert (Xisco)
AI: + give authorization to Xisco on jenkins in-person @ FOSDEM (Norbert)

  + Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs
      + Open
	    + MacOS main package – no longer signed
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104915
                + perhaps just dev builds ?
                + should be fixed by Tor.
	    + Crash in: ScPostIt::CreateCaption(ScAddress const &,SdrCaptionObj const *)
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105055
                + results in hang on re-load.
	    + Firebird: Trying to close Firebird-DB without saving leads to hang of LO 
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105062
	    + Crash when closing LibreOffice after opening Master Pages deck in SfxModule::GetResMgr()
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105188
	    + Crash when Click "Add Separator" in Customize Toolbox / Crash in: SvxConfigPage::InsertEntry(SvxConfigEntry *,SvTreeListEntry *,bool), cuilo.dll
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105014
		    + Fix in Gerrit: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/32987/
	    + Crash when click a "New Theme..." in Gallery on detached SideBar
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105017
		    + 3 months old regression ( 5.3 and master )

	+ Fixed:
	    + Crash exiting writer after copying to clipboard
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104830
                + Fixed thanks to Markus → back-ported to -5-2.
	    + Calc crash in navigator
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104919
		    + 3 months old regression ( 5.3 and master )
                + thanks to Caolan.
	    + Writer crash when adding a textbox and undo
		    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105009
		    + 3 years old regression (5.2, 5.3 and master )
                + thanks to Michael Stahl.

* QA stats

  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +164    -153	(+11 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Telesto               13
        Aron Budea             9
        V Stuart Foote         9
        Xisco Faulí            8
        Miklos Vajna           5
        Heiko Tietze           5
        tommy27                5
        Buovjaga               5
        jan iversen            4
        Justin L               4
        Regina Henschel        3
        Maxim Monastirsky      3
        Winfried Donkers       3
        Timur                  3

  + top 10 bugs reporters:
        Telesto               13
        Kevin Suo              6
        gmarco                 6
        Latini, Marina         5
        Budea, Áron            5
        grofaty                4
        Jim Avera              4
        Xisco Faulí            4
        bordfeldt              4
        john                   3

  + top 10 bugs fixers:
        Iversen, Jan           5
        Justin L               4
        Stahl, Michael         4
        Rathke, Eike           3
        Andras Timar           3
        Vajna, Miklos          3
        McNamara, Caolán       3
        Xisco Faulí            2
        Budea, Áron            2
        Kelemen, Gabor         2

* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.3: ?/??   - 15%
        5.2: 4/26   - 15%
        5.1: 1/32   -  3%
        5.0: 3/57   -  5%
        4.4: 4/73   -  5%
        4.3: 4/70   -  5%
        4.2: 6/132  -  4%
        4.1: 3/79   -  3%
        4.0: 4/81   -  4%
        old: 27/249 - 10%
        + http://bit.ly/2dp3mwC

* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
    + more accurate - down to a single commit.
    + 338/1187 320/1161 310/1143 305/1116 305/1101 303/1087 292/1061
		+ http://bit.ly/2dyIfDy

    + Done by:
        Xisco Faulí           13
        Budea, Áron            6
        Justin L               2
        Raal                   2
        Terrence Enger         1
        Kevin Suo              1

* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
    + 410/1727 395/1700 389/1680 382/1651 381/1633 378/1618 366/1593
        + http://bit.ly/2cSCXlS

    + Done by:
        Xisco Faulí           13
        Budea, Áron            5
        Justin L               3
        Kevin Suo              3
        Raal                   2
        Terrence Enger         1
        Timur                  1
        Benes, Luke            1

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 760(+1) bugs open of 5626(+20) total 15(-1) high prio.

    + Done by:
        Xisco Faulí            9
        Telesto                4
        Justin L               3
        Buovjaga               3
        Budea, Áron            3
        Kevin Suo              2
        Timur                  1
        Benes, Luke            1
        m.a.riosv              1
        Alex Thurgood          1

        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
           LibreOffice - 6 (+1)
               Writer  - 3 (+0)
                  Calc - 2 (+0)
                  Base - 2 (+0)
               Impress - 2 (-1)
                  Draw – 0 (-1)
                + http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E

                by OS:
                        + Mac     - 6
                        + All     - 5
                        + Windows - 3
                        + Linux   - 2

        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
          Writer: other - 133 (+0)
                   Calc - 118 (+1)
                Impress - 71 (-4)
           Writer: docx - 67 (+3)
            LibreOffice - 58 (+2)
                     UI - 43 (+0)
            Writer: doc - 39 (+0)
                Crashes – 36 (+1)
         graphics stack - 35 (+1)
                Borders - 33 (+1)
                   Base - 31 (-1)
                   Draw – 29 (-2)
         Writer: filter – 25 (-1)
       filter / storage – 20 (+0)
                  Chart - 16 (+0)
     print / PDF export - 13 (+0)
           Writer: perf - 18 (-1)
                  BASIC - 10 (+0)
              framework -  3 (+0)
             Extensions -  2 (+0)
           Installation -  1 (+0)
                    sdk -  1 (+0)
         Formula Editor -  1 (+0)
		+ http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i

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