GSoC update | Week 8 | LibreOffice online - Aditya Dewan

Aditya Dewan callmedewan at
Tue Jul 25 22:53:28 UTC 2017

Hi Everyone,

During the 8th week of GSoC, i continued my work to add the Ruler support
for libreOffice online.

Taking further the previously added callbacks, Initially I implemented
dummy uno commands to change the ruler state to the reported one, and the
support for same was implemented in the gtktiledviewer, then I realised
that adding a new uno command for this purpose would be the best. So, that
was taken forward.

With minor modifications in the  previously added callbacks the the work in
core is almost complete and probably won't require any major overhaul.

I have now started working on the ruler support in loleaflet, taking
example from the already implemented code for managing annotations.

You can follow my progress at -

Aditya Dewan
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