Let failed Jenkins builds set Verified: -1 in Gerrit?

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Wed Nov 29 11:16:24 UTC 2017

Is there any good reason why a failed Gerrit/Jenkins build does not set 
the corresponding Gerrit change's Verified flag to -1 (similar to how a 
successful such build sets the flag to +1)?

Especially with the poor Jenkins turnaround times, it is hard to tell on 
a page like <https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/dashboard/self> whether a 
change is not yet ready for submission because Jenkins has not yet built 
it or because the Jenkins build failed.  The "V" ("Verified") column is 
empty in both cases.  (And I assume it would contain something like a 
red cross if the Verified flag is -1.)

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