GSoC Proposal

Ekansh Jha jhaekansh80 at
Mon Mar 5 19:07:38 UTC 2018

Hi Jan, Thorsten and Community,

I looked into the project "Smart Art Editing in Impress" as suggested and I
found it interesting and an essential feature for the libreoffice.
Hence I would like to contribute to that project to make that feature

It would be great if I can get to know what are the important blogs, code
pointers or other requirements should i go through. As It's a hard project,
It would be helpful to get Mentors valuable advice about this project(as
smart art feature is big, so what exactly should be introduced). So that I
can look and understand the implementation of the code.

Thanking you,
Ekansh Jha

On 5 March 2018 at 02:49, Thorsten Behrens <thb at> wrote:

> Ekansh Jha wrote:
> > I think I might be considering other project named "Block diagrams".
> > It would be great if I can get to know which part of code should i look
> for
> > better understanding and implementation of Block diagrams or any blogs
> > related to it.
> >
> Hi Ekansh Jha,
> glad to hear you're interested in the Block diagram task - which is
> conceptually not too different from the SmartArt editing one, so you
> might want to checkout that one as well, as Kendy suggested.
> Here's a bit more background for starters (though I'd strongly advise
> to focus on EasyHacks for the moment):
>  -
>  -
>  -
> Cheers,
> -- Thorsten
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