Help in Libreoffice extension development

toki toki.kantoor at
Tue Mar 6 18:17:20 UTC 2018

On 03/06/2018 03:26 PM, Samuel Mehrbrodt wrote:

>This page indicates there already exists a spell checker and even
grammar checker for Tamil

If you mean the Tamil spell checker that allegedly resides at
there is no stable release.

The spelling dictionary listed at
has a warning that it hasn't been updated since AOo 4.3.

The hyphenation dictionary listed at
has a warning that it hasn't been updated since AOo 3.4.

As far grammar checking is concerned, states that they are looking for a

Going by the announcements at, it looks like that
project is dormant. I didn't delve beyond the first page.  IF it is an
active project, the home page is in desperate need of being updated.

>did you check that?

Huge disconnects between the languages that LibO claims are supported,
and the languages that are supported, are not uncommon.

Looks like I need to update
especially not all dictionary extensions can be installed in LibO 6.x.
Maybe that is the fault of the _daily build/alpha/beta/not for use
anywhere near a production environment_ version that I was doing the
testing on.

Pattabhi wrote:

>We read through Libreoffice documentation.

LibO documentation, especially in terms of l10n and i18n, is woefully

That said, I'd suggest heading over to to work on grammar checking, and to work on spell checking.

FWIW, I wouldn't be surprised is the spell checker and hyphenation
dictionary for AOo simply needed to be updated, and vocabulary expanded.


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