Resources on writing import/export file filters for Writer

David Tardon dtardon at
Thu Mar 22 07:26:03 UTC 2018


On Wed, 2018-03-21 at 22:44 -0700, Jens Tröger wrote:
> Thank you David. That's a start but still assumes a lot of implicit
> knowledge
> about the surrounding infrastructure. Is there a minimal export
> plugin to
> start from? I do have quite some experience with the object model
> from the
> Python/UNO view.

I don't know. There might be something in the UNO examples. I think
there is also a chapter about filters in the old OO.o Developers Guide

> Also, it appears that LO6+ imports (x)html files to some extend.
> Where do I
> ask questions

On this list or on IRC.

> /file bugs around that?

At .

Btw, the HTML import is nothing new. Quite the contrary. It was already
present in OO.o 1.0 (and the code has changed very little since that

>  Or, in the context of this thread,
> where do I find the source on ?

In sw/source/filter/html in the core repo.

> I assume this one is a good way to settle in:
>  ?

Yes, it is.


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