make check fails in [build JCS]

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Mon Nov 12 09:38:02 UTC 2018

On 03/09/2018 17:23, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> On 29/08/18 11:43, Noel Grandin wrote:
>> On 2018/08/29 11:06 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
>>> investigating deeper into the issue.  (Apparently, Java no longer 
>>> accepts file:... URLs there, at least on Windows, and won't accept 
>>> full pathnames starting with a drive letter like C:/..., but does 
>>> accept ("drive-absolute") pathnames like /...; so my hack should work 
>>> as long as your files are on drive C.)
>> That probably needs whatever magic will convert a cygwin path into a 
>> DOS/NT path i.e. something starting with
>>     C:\
>> (note the backslash instead of a forwardslash)
> No, things unfortunately appear to be more broken than that (at least 
> with JDK 10.0.2):
> * Using C:\foo\bar.jar pathnames in a jar's manifest class-path doesn't 
> work (and 
> <> 
> does require those values to be "relative URLs").  At java run-time 
> (e.g., when executing a JunitTest), resolving classes via that 
> class-path entry apparently fails.
> * Likewise when using C:/foo/bar.jar pathnames.
> * Using file:/C:/foo/bar.jar URLs in a jar's manifest class-path would 
> work at run-time.  However, when that jar is then mentioned in the 
> -classpath argument of some javac invocation at build time, that 
> invocation fails with "error: illegal argument for --class-path: Illegal 
> char <:> at index 4: file:/C:/..."
> * The only working hack I found for now is to use /foo/bar.jar 
> drive-relative pathnames, which happen to also match the syntax of 
> relative URLs.

(see also the recent discussion at 
<> "Simplify and fix Java UNO 
API test makefiles")

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