Proposed XHP extensions

Olivier Hallot olivier.hallot at
Mon Oct 22 13:01:36 UTC 2018

HI Noel

Thanks for the comments.

Em 22/10/2018 08:29, Noel Grandin escreveu:
> Hi
> Seems like a nice idea in general.
> Just a couple of notes:
>> <paragraph role="tip" id="123456" xml-lang="en-US" localize="true">
> Should localize=true not just be the default? so it only needs to be
> specified for the occasional chunk of text that is lanuage-neutral?

Correct. localize="true" is currently the default and was mentioned for

> Similarly, should xml-lang="en-US" not just be specified in some tag
> near the root of the document, and everything else inherits that setting?

This attribute is not used in the current Help. It defines the source
language for translation, string-wise. But since we stick to English
here it is not effective and is left for legacy.,_Authoring_and_Editing_Openoffice.org_Help/3#xml-lang

We can define it in the root of the document, but I'll refrain to do a
massive change unless we can do it silently to prevent triggering

> Perhaps these are already in place, and I just didn't see it - either
> way, keep up the good work!

Thanks for the comments and kind words.


Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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