(possible) Problem with spread sheet

Tadeus Prastowo tadeus.prastowo at unitn.it
Fri Oct 26 07:56:45 UTC 2018

Hi Juan!

What version of LibreOffice are you running?

And, what operation system do you use?

Thank you.

Best regards,

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 1:42 PM, Juan Antonio Colonques
<jacolonques at outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Before I start let me apologize for this email because I don't really know
> who is reading, maybe I'm sending to the wrong person/people. If so, I'd
> appreciate if you forward to the right department.
> I'm a simple user who uses basically your word document and spread sheet,
> and I'm quite satisfied so far so first of all muy utmost encourage to keep
> up with your excellent development and maintenance of this fantastic
> LibreOffice package.
> However, I'm experiencing update after update that when it comes to
> highlight the edges of any given cell of the spread sheet I have problems to
> sort it out correctly. Up to a point that more often than I'd like I must
> give up and leave it as it is.
> I mean, for instance, that I make a pattern for "working hours template" but
> as I'm using that template I highlight here or there... sometimes after
> giving the instruction and saving it, it doesn't show. Or perhaps if I call
> for it to 3 edges it happens to just one. And to be honest I thought I
> caught why this happens (maybe it's due to unify some cells and the new
> shape has "residual orders" that avoid different orders of the same kind),
> but not so sure lately.
> This matter is exclusively of edges, regardless of whether you (try to) make
> them thicker or desire to change colour, etc. Other than that, your
> spreadsheet works really fine.
> I'm sorry if my English isn't good enough (I'm Spanish) or I haven't
> explained the matter correctly, I hope I did well enough.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Juan
> P.S. I'm supporting you with anonymous donations every now and then, I'm
> aware all this needs economic resources.
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