Failing UI tests on Winx64 build

Kaganski Mike mikekaganski at
Sun Dec 29 23:18:44 UTC 2019

Hi Stepas Toliautas,

On 2019-12-30 0:32, Stepas Toliautas wrote:
>     However, we're not out of the woods yet, since a single new error of
>     presumably the same type (access violation at shutdown) cropped up
>     in impress_demo uitest suite -- at /backgrounds.ImpressBackgrounds/,
>     in /test_background_dialog/ . Test log is at
> . It might well have been there
>     before, just the tests didn't get that far before now.
> A few more from another test run are shown below. Note that these (and 
> the last one) come and go, and are NOT reproduced by directly running 
> separate test files. Could it be that concurrent testing (-j 8) of 
> different modules is somehow at fault here?

I hope you had built LO (`make`) after pulling before running `make 

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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