Trying to put LO Firebird patches upstream, license issue?

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Mon Feb 11 09:27:04 UTC 2019

On 09/02/2019 21:33, Kaganski Mike wrote:
> Hmm... I'm sorry for not being clear. My point was that since our 
> patches (in our tree) were changing Firebird, they *automatically* 

	IANAL - but I suspect this process very much depends on the license in
question, and the contribution policy for firebird - as an aside the:

	has an unhelpful 404 for "contributing patches" today.

	Either way this is certainly -not- the right forum to discuss legal /
licensing questions.

	As a general yard-stick, (and depending on the project) - encouraging
those who create the patches to submit them up-stream themselves is a
good idea. We really do want to get these things up-stream - so it's a
great initiative Julien.


michael.meeks at <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout: mejmeeks at, Skype: mmeeks
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