Base without HSQL support?

Jean-Pierre Ledure jp at
Sun Jun 9 10:32:23 UTC 2019


Le 6/06/19 à 00:00, Drew Jensen a écrit :
> I think that if the project really wants to be aggressive on ditching 
> HSQL, as with 6.4, then right now and thru to the 6.4 release there 
> should be a TDF emphasize on getting people to make the migration from 
> HSQL odb files. Either to Firebird embedded or an external data base.

The concept of "embedded" database is - at most - a nice-to-have feature.

A Base application embedding in the same single file both the logic and 
the data is 1. unmaintainable (a. You cannot prepare a new version. b. 
You cannot use 3rd party database design or database management or 
database ... migration tools), 2. "undistributable" to other users and 
3. definitively limited to serving a single user.

In fact, it is a nice toy but it is also nonsense to build real 
(data)Base applications, the data being embedded.

Many LO Base users have made the choice already for years to extract 
their embedded HSQLDB databases and run their apps on a newer version (> 
2.X). Search on "" words like extract 
embedded hsqldb, freehsqldb, split databases. You will find there tons 
of tools and advices. It is as easy as (roughly) unzipping the odb file, 
storing the database files in one directory, replacing the hsqldb.jar 
driver with a newer version and adjusting the connection string.

IMO the focus should be to teach users how to migrate to external 
databases. The Firebird embedded model should not be the preference. It 
will in no way improve the user experience.


Jean-Pierre Ledure

PS: MSAccess has a one-click menu item "Split database" (i.e. between 
front-end = logic and back-end = data) since its version 97 (yes, 1997 !).

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