increasing no of columns to 16384

Noel Grandin noelgrandin at
Tue Sep 3 13:36:47 UTC 2019

And some of my respones:

>    What does Excel do for that ? (perhaps check names before columns or
something(?) or de-mangle and check names).

No idea. Apparently Excel clamps old documents to 1024 columns. We may need
to do something similar i.e. have an option to explicitly enable >1024

    Could we push the names of the names through the address de-mangler,
> and just warn the user in this case (?) - as long as people are not
> caught unawares - I'd imagine that we can survive (?) =)

That is a possibility. The problem is really that we decide at a very low
level (down in address.cxx) what we are looking at, and that lacks context,
and we call into there from all over the place with not much more than a
string, and try and decide if it is some kind of named thing, and cell
reference, or a named reference, etc.
Not ideal.
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