Is there any effort or discussion yet about collaborative use of libreoffice applications?

Marc Roos M.Roos at
Tue Dec 15 13:58:33 UTC 2020

> but a) it looks like a commercial product? b) it sounds like they just 
run libreoffice on a web server and project the instance to whoever's on 
that > webpage. c) somebody has to supply the 'cloud' that it runs on.

I am having same impression. You actually do not need a cloud, for me it 
was just a 'bridge' to edit docs on a thin client like a tablet that I 
do not want to connect to a network share. I would not even use this a 
lot, but I thought it would be easy and quick to realize, after seeing 
the videos on youtube with all this bla bla on how libre office online 
is so nice.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stu [mailto:nixo at] 
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 1:56 PM
To: Marc Roos
Cc: tml; libreoffice
Subject: Re: Is there any effort or discussion yet about collaborative 
use of libreoffice applications?

Well, I wasn't trying to start a flamewar or a drama episode or 
anything. I didn't know collabawhatever was a thing.
but a) it looks like a commercial product? b) it sounds like they just 
run libreoffice on a web server and project the instance to whoever's on 
that webpage. c) somebody has to supply the 'cloud' that it runs on.

I'm a big fan of fat clients. ms word and libre office will always be 
superior to google docs (in my opinion only obviously) because it runs 
locally on my machine. What I was getting at was a way to make a fat 
client collaborative.

But if there's no interest, I'll drop it.

Thanks for the info.

On Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 9:07 AM Marc Roos <M.Roos at> 

	:) No but is really a question. I want to try a bit this libre 
	online and I am not even able to get a simple test environment 
	that creates a odt file that I can edit from multiple clients.
	Even the manual of libre online online ~50% writing about other 
	-----Original Message-----
	Cc: nixo; libreoffice
	Subject: Re: Is there any effort or discussion yet about 
	use of libreoffice applications?
	        Why do people send collabra office stuff on a libre office 
	        list???? The question is clearly about libre office.
	Oh sorry then. I will now go back in the corner to enjoy my 

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