Interest in Styles Inspector and Styles Highlighter for GSoC

Heiko Tietze heiko.tietze at
Sat Feb 29 09:11:56 UTC 2020

On 29.02.20 09:49, Shivam Kumar Singh wrote:
> But in both we are mostly focusing on the Paragraph and Character styles. There can be page, frame, list styles too. Should we not consider them ?

Nope, but PS and CS are the most important. From the blog post [1]: "If the paragraph is referring to a list or table style, or when the the text is placed within a frame, this would also be shown. Another complexity comes with conditional styles. The simple solution is to show name and attributes of the actual applied style but with a note that a condition is met and what style is used."
> Regarding the placing, for the “Highlighter” I think adding another tab in the Styles side pane would be a good option as we could use more space here, and it would be a cleaner approach. For “Inspector” a new window could be a good option.
> What do you think ?

Tabs in the sidebar refer to completely different views, actually tabs. See [2] for the correct terminology. Whether you talk about tabs or decks, I think it goes the wrong direction. The highlighter is something you need while scrolling through the mostly finalized document in order to spot formatting failures. I don't see this in any form realized at the sidebar.

> Also for the various styles like “Headings” or “Default”, as Mike had pointed we will need to collapse/expand the menus, for that we can use DropDown box. 

The proposal is to use a tree and collapse a style if it contains more than x nodes. "The example starts with the Default style, collapsed as it consists of more than eight nodes (the number from when nodes are collapsed is chosen arbitrary here and could be higher)." Usually you define a large number of attributes for the top level (Default) and derive with just a few changed that can be shown easily in a tree to make the relation clear.

> Please give me a few more insights and also some bugs closely related these projects which you think I must solve before beginning the project.

34002 	EDITING - Add Reveal Codes feature like there is in WordPerfect.  
38194 	Style indicator in document margin  
88559 	Display of inherited attributes from parent styles in Styles dialog  
89826 	Allow removal/reset of individual style attributes  
94427 	UI: Show indicator of currently applied style when a different style is selected in styles sidebar  
106556 	Add functionality that highlights all directly formatted text  
115311 	UI missing for nesting character styles  
118781 	UI: Change the 'Contains' section in the Modify Style dialogues to improve the transparency and use of hierarchical styles  
129422 	Suppress listing of parent styles in the Find and Replace dialog  

Many thanks for your interest in the topic,


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