Implement interface for external data source import into Calc GSoC 2021

Mariam Fahmy mariamfahmy66 at
Sat Jan 2 21:51:40 UTC 2021

I am Mariam Fahmy, I am a software engineering undergraduate from AinShams
University, I am passionate about open source solving problems and
improving process efficiency, and enjoy exploring and learning new
technologies and building applications for socially useful causes, I
believe open source is the best way for me to gain experience to prepare
for real-life software development.
My technical skills is c++ , data structure , algorithms , dart , flutter
and firebase.
I have also participated in hacktoberfest challenge, I have made 3 small
contributions in LibreOffice, I am interested in working in project:
Implement interface for external data source import into Calc.
Can you please guide me how to fully understand the project.
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