Windows 10 prerequisite for 7.2.0? (so abandon Windows 7 and avoid Windows 8)

Christian Lohmaier lohmaier at
Fri Jan 8 12:18:17 UTC 2021

Hi *,

On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 10:55 AM julien2412 <serval2412 at> wrote:
> What about asking Windows 8 or rather Windows 10 as prerequisite for future
> LO 7.2.0 Windows version?

We typically don't bump version requirements "just because". Last time
we bumped the windows baseline was because one of the external
libraries (icu) required newer versions of windows... (that being said
nobody was eager at the time to keep XP supported, so kinda went

Also keep in mind that there are more than desktop editions of
Windows, and dropping Windows 8 is out of question, as the
build-machines currently are Windows Server 2012 R2. So when that hits
EOL end of 2023, at least the build-baseline will change to a Windows
10 based one, and until then we might bump the runtime baseline
because of technical reasons – but as long as there is something we
cannot have because we need to support older versions of Windows,
there's no reason to bump the runtime requirement.

> (benefit: not wasting time on an obsolete system if not in dev part in QA
> part for example)

There's a difference in making something a prerequisite and not
providing active support.
We surely can declare it "best effort" basis or otherwise label it as
not actively tested. But that again is quite different from a
prerequisite/bump of baseline.  (and as you write yourself: extended
support still is offered til 2023, so a little bit early to write it
off as an unsupported OS, at least for 7.2)


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