Gsoc 2nd week progress - Data Providers

Tushar Kumar Rai tusharrai282 at
Mon Jun 21 07:40:12 UTC 2021

Hello everyone.

Progress made in 2nd week -

Class ScDataProviderBaseControl is removed and all the widgets are
implemented in ScDataProviderDlg. It makes it easier to implement any new
functionality in DataProvider dialog box without worrying about linking two
Also file dataproviderentry.ui is removed since all the widgets are moved
to dataproviderdlg.ui .

The dialog box for data providers is ready with all minor issues in UI
Browse button is also added to import file from local system.Minor UI
issues in all the transformations are also resolved.

Work in Progress -
Currently I am working to fix issues of transformations which were
discussed with mentors and then adding new transformations .

My progress can be checked at
Please download the patch to check the UI.

Tushar Kumar Rai
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