ANN: renaming of master branch to "main" for core repository and submodules (dictionaries, help, translations)

antlists antlists at
Mon Mar 22 00:06:26 UTC 2021

On 18/03/2021 17:35, Michael Meeks wrote:
> 	I do agree it is possible to carry this far too far. However its easy
> to see how things like the unthinking use of eg. 'blacklist' can be seen
> as bad - that seems like a slam-dunk to me.

The problem is when it's assumed you're being racist when the words have 
nothing whatsoever to do with race - blacklist is a case in point.

Or - as you may be aware of - the argument we've had about pubs called 
"The Black Boy". There's an Oxfordshire pub where the sign is a Cavalier 
with long black locks - or a Kent pub where the sign is a grimy miner. 
No race connection whatsoever, and in the Oxford case I think it 
pre-dates the slave trade.

The worse example I came across recently was somebody objecting to the 
word "negro" "because its only possible use is racist" ... hang on a sec 
- it's pretty much exactly the normal spanish word for "black"! From the 
Latin word "negro" or whatever it is ...


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