Bug 81720

Andrew Pitonyak andrew at pitonyak.org
Sat Aug 20 00:15:15 UTC 2022


You surely do NOT need my approval :-)

I was just asking since it seems consistent with other things in libre office.

Now I am curious about a field as the last thing in a document.  :-)

Had not considered using ESC to put the cursor out of a field, on the surface it feels like a really smart solution, but to be clear, if the devs choose to simply have an adjacent chair always be outside the field I would not complain, it would solve the end of document problem but makes it more difficult to append text in a field or deal with a one character looking field. 

The zero length field... Uggg. Had not considered that one.

I am very happy to see how thoroughly y'all are working to get a correct solution. 


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On Aug 19, 2022, 7:26 PM, at 7:26 PM, Phillips Rogfield <thebudget72 at gmail.com> wrote:
>You are right that by putting the cursor to the left it writes normal 
>text. It only happens when you put the cursor to the right of the
>It is not necessary that the field is the last thing in a file. It is 
>sufficient it is the last thing in a paragraph. In this case you won't 
>be able to insert text after the field without expanding the field. At 
>least it will be not so simple. You will have to press Enter, space, 
>left arrow, backspace, right arrow, and type.
>I also noticed an exception: if you don't select anything, and do
>-> Cross Reference ->  Set Reference, type a name, press Insert and
>Close, it will insert an empty reference (which I have no idea why it 
>differs conceptually from a bookmark?). This empty reference will be
>modifiable: nor by putting the cursor to the left nor to the right, the
>text of the reference will stay empty.
>So exception aside, I think maybe a good compromise would be that, if 
>the user put the cursor on the right of a field, and press "Esc", it 
>will start to type outside of the field, without expanding the field? 
>Would that work?
>On 19/08/2022 16:04, Andrew Pitonyak wrote:
>> The general expected behavior in libre office, at least for me, is 
>> that if I place the cursor and start typing, that it will continue 
>> using the same attributes and properties of the character directly to
>> the left of the cursor. So, if I have bold text, and I placed the 
>> cursor to the left of the bold text and I type, it will not be bold, 
>> it will be whatever is to the left of the cursor. If the cursor is 
>> immediately to the right of the bold text however then it will be
>> In this case, I assume, but have not verified or checked in anyway,  
>> references are a field. So the intent of this is to make certain that
>> when the cursor is sitting directly to the left or right of, whatever
>> is typed does not end up inside of that field. One side effect of
>> I expect, is that if you have a field with only one character you
>> have no way of modifying the text inside the field unless there is 
>> some special case when the text of the field is selected. I did not 
>> even check, can I select the text in a field? So what if the
>> is partially in a field?
>> I would never have considered this a bug, I would have just
>> it an extension of expected behavior. The annoying part is that if
>> field is the last thing in a file you have no way to add text after 
>> the field unless you do it programmatically, but that is also true 
>> last I checked of text tables.
>> I hope other contributors to comments in the bugs are correct that it
>> is an easy fix, but I am skeptical.
>> Get BlueMail for Android <https://bluemail.me>
>> On Aug 19, 2022, at 9:41 AM, Phillips Rogfield
><thebudget72 at gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>     Dear developers,
>>     I would like to fix bug 81720
>>     <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81720#c22>.
>>     Basically when you insert a ReferenceMark, if you put the cursor
>>     at the edge of it (start or end), and type something, it will
>>     expand on the reference mark instead of writing it as a “normal
>>     You can find how to reproduce it in comment 22
>>     <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81720#c22>.
>>     I have set up my environment, but I’m not sure where is the code
>>     that “checks” if something is a ReferenceMark, if anything.
>>     Can you point me in the right direction, please?
>>     Best,
>>     Phil
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