submit a revised patch to an abandoned gerrit change

Winfried Donkers winfried.libreoffice at
Tue Jan 11 15:16:16 UTC 2022

In 2017 a contributor submitted several patches to gerrit, but in the 
end didn't succeed in fixing the bug and gave up.
The contributor gave up and gerrit (Pootle bot) changed the status of 
the gerrit change to abandoned.

Last month I received a question whether I could do something with the 
(still unresolved) bug report.
I made changes to the patch and would like to submit 'my' patch to the 
same gerrit change with me and the original contributor as co-authors.
However, gerrit won't accept the patch I submitted because the status of 
the change is 'abandoned'.

I can submit as a new patch of course and refer to the original patches, 
but reopening the original gerrit change seems (seemed?) a better idea.
Is it possible to reopen an abandoned gerrit change when you're not the 
original contributor? (In my case it isn't relevant whether the original 
contributor can reopen the change, I cannot get a response from him.)

If it a lot of bother to reopen, I will submit as a new patch and refer 
to the original change. But who knows, reopening might be simple...


(I intentionally left out references to bug report and gerrit change to 
avoid over-publishing of someone's struggle to get a well written and 
properly functioning patch.)

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