Building debian package without version in the name

Colomban Wendling cwendling at
Tue Mar 8 09:15:27 UTC 2022


Le 21/02/2022 à 15:29, Marco Marinello a écrit :
> […]
> Since I'd like to provide via private repos a recent version of LO, is
> there a way to build the DEB packages without the version in the name?

Regardless of the answer to your specific question (which I don't know
the answer to), I would rather recommend you to base your builds on
Debian's own packaging (especially as it'd replace current Debian
packages).  It'll be a little bit more work than just running LO's build
system to generate the packages, but it'll give your more "debianish"
packages (installing in usual locations, more correct dependencies, and
overally more polished packages).

Just a thought though.

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