Store properties of OOXML 3D-shapes in ODF

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Wed Mar 9 15:17:57 UTC 2022

Hi Miklos, hi all,

I have started a discussion in the ODF TC how ODF could be enhanced to 
be able to store properties which are needed to render OOXML 3D-shapes 
(I mean the normal shapes in 3D-mode, not the new "3D Model" of MS 
Office). I have collected all the problems I see in the attached document.

If you have ideas how to solve the problems or if you see further 
problems, please tell me.

Currently we put most of the information in an InteropGrabBag. I started 
the discussion in the ODF TC because I think we need to know the target 
before we start an actual import.

Kind regards,
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