Hi (Formats supported by LibreOffice).

Mike Kaganski mikekaganski at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 23 05:53:59 UTC 2022

On 23.03.2022 8:23, Amit Amit wrote:
> I was thinking that why does LibreOffice support document formats other 
> than that of Microsoft Office?
> Windows run on around 90% of personal computers in this world.
> Mac's share is around 5% and it also has Microsoft Office.
> ...
> In my opinion, LibreOffice should support only Microsoft Office formats 
> and drop other formats.
> This will lead to better LibreOffice software, efficient and optimum use 
> of resources, lesser number of features to implement, lesser number of 
> bugs to fix, more and more users of LibreOffice, etc.
> Also, by supporting Microsoft Office formats only, it is quite possible 
> that Google, and other big companies in the world (like Pepsi, Bank of 
> America, etc.) may give funds to libreOffice. They will definitely 
> benefit because they will then not buy Microsoft Office but will use 
> LibreOffice.

In your message, you downgraded LibreOffice project into:
1. "Let us create something to attract users";
2. "Let us implement others' ideas".

LibreOffice is not like that. Some software can be created not to pull 
users from other softwares, but to implement some ideas not implemented 
in other products. E.g., LibreOffice focuses on styles in a way that is 
far beyond of what is available in MS products; it is not just a clone. 
And trying to implement standards created by MS, relying on their 
engineers doing all the work on designing the principles, ways of use, 
everything that is put into the file formats, would not only require us 
to hopelessly try to catch up in the same game of imperfect support of 
evolving standard created by others (but this time, that would be our 
native format, so poor support of OOXML would not be accompanied by good 
support of own format), but also would be simply not ethical towards MS :)

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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