Link error

Mike Kaganski mikekaganski at
Sun Jan 29 06:40:57 UTC 2023

Hi Regina,

On 28.01.2023 21:30, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I get the following link error.
> unocontrol.o : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: 
> virtual void __cdecl toolkit::OAccessibleControlContex
> t::release(void)" (?release at OAccessibleControlContext@toolkit@@UEAAXXZ) 
> referenced in function "public: __cdecl rtl::Ref
> erence<class toolkit::OAccessibleControlContext>::~Reference<class 
> toolkit::OAccessibleControlContext>(void)" (??1?$Refe
> rence at VOAccessibleControlContext@toolkit@@@rtl@@QEAA at XZ)
> D:\Build_forCommit\core\instdir\program\tklo.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 
> 1 unresolved externals

For quite some time already, I experience that some changes fail to 
trigger local recompilation of affected files (say, a header changes, 
and not all CXX files that include it - directly or indirectly - get 
recompiled). I use VS2019.

Which usually means, that e.g. updated higher-level module tries to link 
against unupdated lower-level library (and that results in such link 
errors). Usually cleaning affected entities (like 'make 
Library_tk.clean') helps.

Sometimes it all builds, but then I start to see mysterious run-time 
errors, which means a similar failure, where some code uses older memory 
layout, and another code uses a new memory layout. Then I have no other 
choice than to 'make clean'. No idea why it all happens.

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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